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Real-World Changes Product

Last modified on June 03, 2022

The Real-World Changes product includes:

  • Any change in attribution that affects the identity or status of a parcel (class, owner type, status, name, legal description, legal dates, etc.)
  • A creation of a new record (through an event in the land title register or Crown land registry, such as a Subdivision.
  • The deletion of a record (through a parcel being made Inactive, Cancelled, or Historical; or through deletion from the database of an obsolete record).

A specific extract will include only changes that occurred:

  • Within the selected area of interest or jurisdiction, and
  • Within the specified time period (starting at the requested “From” time and continuing to the time of last publication)

Each cadastral parcel is identified by a GlobalID as well as PIN/PID (where available) and all parcel attributes are provided along with a clear indication of the nature of real-world change.

The product is composed of the following logical entities:

A particular product extract will only contain the layers or tables that contain a tracked change within the specified area and time period. For example, if one or more properties identified as a “Real-World Change” only occurred in the “Shared Geometry” table then only the “Shared Geometry” table will be included in the product extract.

Each layer or table in this product includes all the data elements defined in the Parcel Fabric Extract Product as well as the following attributes:

Attribute Name Description

Indicates the reason why the parcel is in this list.

  • Addition (A) – the parcel record has been created in the fabric
  • Deletion (D) – the parcel representation has been tagged as “Historical” or the parcel record has been deleted from the fabric
  • Attribute Change (AC) – a parcel record attribute has changed
AffectedFields A concatenated list of the field names affected by an Attribute Change (AC) as identified in the NatureOfChange field.

The figures below show the Real-World Changes that have taken place in a selected area within the City of Armstrong for the dates ranging between December 1, 2018 to February 27, 2019.

Real-World Changes – Parcel Additions (Attribute Table View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Additions (Attribute Table View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Additions (Map View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Additions (Map View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Attribute Changes (Attribute Table View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Attribute Changes (Attribute Table View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Attribute Changes (Map View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Attribute Changes (Map View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Deletions (Attribute Table View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Deletions (Attribute Table View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Deletions (Map View)

Real-World Changes – Parcel Deletions (Map View)