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Parcel Fabric Extract Product

The Parcel Fabric Extract includes the fully attributed data model for all parcels and related entities available in the ParcelMap BC parcel fabric.


This is a polygon representation of all active surveyed parcels stored in the fabric. It is a combination of compiled parcels of unknown accuracy as well as parcels created from surveyor submissions.

Parcel Points

These are the endpoints that define the boundaries of a parcel fabric polygon feature which are also the endpoints of the shared line between adjacent polygons.

Parcel Lines

The Parcel Line features represent the shared boundaries between adjacent parcel polygons. The line features contain 2D Parcel and interest parcel lines and arcs for the parcel boundaries. These do not include radial lines or tie lines (or connection lines).

Building Strata Parcels

The Shared Geometry table is used to establish the relationship between individual Building Strata units (PIDs) and the parent Parcel Polygon feature used to represent the lots spatially.

Common Ownership Parcels

This table is used to establish the relationship between Bare Land Strata Common Property (or Limited Common Property) and Common Lot parcels with the corresponding titled parcels (parcels with PIDs) that share an interest in the parcel.

Parcels to Tax Entities

Describes the relationship between a titled parcel’s PID and the concatenated Jurisdiction and Roll Number (JUROL). Note: The data for this table is provided by BC Assessment and refreshed weekly.

Plans Table

This table is used to establish the relationship between Parcel features and the corresponding Plan record and extended attributes. A parcel feature will link to one plan only.

Control Points

Control Points are locations with known coordinates in a defined geodetic spatial reference system and reported at a known level of accuracy. A further distinction can be drawn between geodetic or government control monuments (whose co-ordinates and other properties are recorded in the Province’s MASCOT control database) versus various forms of Survey control point (which have coordinates derived by individual surveyors, as part of a specific project, and which are only tracked within the PMBC database).