ParcelMap BC Data Products
ParcelMap BC Data Products are available in four ways: ParcelMap Direct Service, Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) GeoShare, the ParcelMap BC Surveyor Search and Download Service and Open Government Licensed View of ParcelMap BC.
Summary of ParcelMap BC Data Products and Uses
ParcelMap BC Data Products are available in four ways: ParcelMap Direct Service, Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) GeoShare, the ParcelMap BC Surveyor Search and Download Service and the Open Government licensed view of ParcelMap BC.
Parcel Fabric Extract Product
The Parcel Fabric Extract includes the fully attributed data model for all parcels and related entities available in the ParcelMap BC parcel fabric.
Real-World Changes Product
The Real-World Changes product includes changes to the parcel fabric that have a material effect on the representation of a parcel as it sits on the ground.
Fabric Spatial Improvements Product
The Fabric Spatial Improvements product includes vectors (directional line features) that reflect the change of parcel point locations as a result of improvements in positional accuracy during a selected period of time.
Province-Wide Snapshot Product
The Province-wide Parcel Snapshot is a pre-generated extract that includes the most commonly requested parcel attributes for all parcels available in the ParcelMap BC parcel fabric.
Spatial Reference System
The native spatial reference system for ParcelMap BC is NAD83(CSRS) / BC Albers (EPSG:3153) using the NAD83 CSRS realizations as specified in the legal survey georeferencing standards required by the Surveyor General of BC.
Dictionary for Data Products
Defines the mapping from a logical model to a physical model for ParcelMap BC products including attribute field descriptions.