The ParcelMap Direct service can provide the Parcel Fabric Extract, Real-World Changes and Fabric Spatial Improvements products in one of the following projections, based on the request:
- EPSG:3153 (NAD83(CSRS) / BC Albers)
- EPSG:3154 (NAD83(CSRS) / UTM Zone 7N)
- EPSG:3155 (NAD83(CSRS) / UTM Zone 8N)
- EPSG:3156 (NAD83(CSRS) / UTM Zone 9N)
- EPSG:3157 (NAD83(CSRS) / UTM Zone 10N)
- EPSG:2955 (NAD83(CSRS) / UTM Zone 11N)
- EPSG:4617 (NAD83(CSRS) / Geographic)
The Association of BC Land Surveyors maintains the Survey and Plan Rules which lay out the requirements for Legal Surveys in the province. These rules outline that the georeferencing must refer to the framework (datum) required by the Surveyor General. The Surveyor General published Circular Letter 463A specifying the currently acceptable datums for surveys. In alignment with this requirement, ParcelMap BC is maintained and published in the appropriate epoch of the NAD83 CSRS datum corresponding to the location in the province.
If working with ParcelMap BC outside of it’s native datum (NAD83 CSRS), such as transforming your data to the appropriate CSRS realization or transforming ParcelMap BC to a non-CSRS reference, kindly refer to the following resources for guidance: | ||||||