This is a list of all of the statuses a package to the Surveyor General may receive.
You can access the status of your package on the View All Packages or View Submission Dashboard pages by selecting Surveyor General in the For: drop-down menu. See Locate Packages.

Package Statuses
- Unsubmitted: A package which has been uploaded but not submitted to the Surveyor General.
- Requires User Action: A package or part of a package which has encountered an unknown technical problem will receive a miscellaneous notification. Contact myLTSA Technical Support for assistance.
Plan Submission Statuses
- Work in Progress: The package has been received by the Surveyor General Services and is either queued for processing or is being reviewed.
- External Review: A request has been made to an agency for comments on the plan submission.
- Confirmed: The plan has been signed by the Surveyor General and has been filed in the Crown land registry.
- Sent to LTO: The certificate on the Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office form has been endorsed by the Surveyor General and the plan has been submitted to the land title office for registration.
- Completed: The Surveyor General Services has received confirmation of plan registration from the land title office.
- Defect: The plan has not been accepted. The applicant will receive an email outlining the reason why the plan cannot be accepted or the amendments that are required before the plan can be accepted. The amended plan will have to be re-submitted through EFS.
- Abandoned: The plan has been abandoned and will no longer be processed by the Surveyor General Services.
Application Submission Statuses
- Work in Progress: The package has been received by the Surveyor General Services and is either queued for processing or is being reviewed.
- External Review: The application has been referred to agencies for comments. The application will not be adjudicated until referral comments have been received.
- Waiting for Information: Additional information has been requested from the applicant. The adjudication of the application will remain on hold until the additional information is received.
- Not Approved: The application has not been approved. A letter outlining the reasons for non-approval will be sent to the applicant.
- Awaiting Final Plan: The application has received preliminary approval or partial approval. A letter describing any conditions of approval will be or has been sent to the applicant. The final plan has not yet been received by the Surveyor General Services.
- Abandoned: The application has been abandoned and will no longer be processed by the Surveyor General Services.