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Electronic Meets

An Electronic Meet is a package to which multiple parties can contribute documents.

Start a Meet

The Meet Originator who initially creates a package is entitled to start a Meet and invite other Meet Contributors to join.

Invite Someone to Join a Meet

With the Package ID and Meet Password for the Meet Participant may join the secure electronic meeting space.

Join a Meet

If you know the Package ID and Meet password for the Meet, you can join from the Submission Dashboard or Join Meet page.

Remove Files from a Meet

You can remove any of your files you do not want to submit but those contributed by other Meet Participants.

Approve a Meet

The Meet Originator is responsible for submitting the package, but can only do so once all the Meet Contributors have approved the package.

Submit a Meet

The Meet Originator should follow these steps to submit a Meet after all Meet Contributors have approved the Meet.

End a Meet

If you are the Meet Originator, you can end a Meet or as a Meet Participant you can stop participating by removing your documents.

Corrections for a Meet

Packages that are part of a Meet can have any document corrected by the Meet Originator. A Meet Contributor can correct only those documents they submitted.