Transition Planning resources provide a framework for organizations interested in adopting ParcelMap BC. Guides, worksheet templates, and other helpful tools help assess, plan and execute a transition to ParcelMap BC.

- ParcelMap BC Adoption Transition Project Management Guide (PDF) provides a scalable framework for developing a project plan to transition to ParcelMap BC in an organization.
ParcelMap BC Transition Planning Situational Assessment Template (Excel) is a worksheet template for gathering current situational assessment components that can be used as inputs to facilitate the development of a transition plan. The situational assessment worksheets capture:
- An organization’s management approach to their parcel fabric
- How the parcel fabric compares with ParcelMap BC
- Various data, workflow and business system integration dependencies that need to be supported,
- External program dependencies which could influence the adoption of ParcelMap BC.
- ParcelMap BC Transition Planning Executive Summary (PowerPoint) is a template to help communicate objectives, scope, benefits and schedules to inform/obtain approval from the budget and resource managers in an a template to help communicate objectives, scope, benefits and schedule to inform/obtain approval from the budget and resource managers in an organization.
- ParcelMap BC Adoption Transition Planning – A Case Study on the Large Municipality Focus Group (PDF) describes the workflows and processes used by five large municipalities in the Lower Mainland to conduct a situational assessment of their cadastre and related business systems (such as taxation, permitting, and asset management) in relation to ParcelMap BC. Parcel fabric fundamentals, maintenance and benefits of adoption are also covered. systems (such as taxation, permitting, and asset management) in relation to ParcelMap BC. Parcel fabric fundamentals, maintenance and benefits of adoption are also covered.
Supplemental Resources:
- Planning your Transition to ParcelMap BC: Virtual Café (video) outlines a framework for organizations considering the adoption of ParcelMap BC and includes a detailed overview of the resources and tools available to support the adoption process
- Making the Most of Survey Parcel Data: Best Practices (video) focuses on increasing awareness and literacy around various use cases for survey parcel data – like ParcelMap BC – including best practices, emerging trends and the benefits of “working on the same canvas” with complementary data sets.