You will be emailed a link after registering for a myLTSA Explorer account. The first time you log into your myLTSA Explorer account, you will be asked to set a permanent password and set a security question and answer for your account.
Click the link in the email which was sent to you.
Instructions on how to log in is delivered in a separate email arriving in less than 20 minutes after you receive your account confirmation email. You may click the link or copy/paste the URL into your web browser.
You will then be asked to set a permanent password.
Your new password must be at least 8 characters and contain an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a symbol and a number.
Next, create a security question and answer. You will need to re-enter this information exactly as a security check if you wish to reset your password.
Some examples of security questions are:
- What street did you grow up on?
- What is your maternal grandmother's maiden name?
- What is the name of the first school you attended?
- What is the name of your first pet?

Your new security question must contain at least 10 characters and must not contain your security answer. Your new security answer must contain at least 5 characters.
Once you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click Login
You will be taken to the Set Email Communications page to set your preferences before going to the myLTSA Explorer homepage