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ParcelMap BC Workshops and Tutorials

Last modified on May 27, 2024

The following is a collection of video recordings from informational webinars/workshops driven and facilitated by the ParcelMap BC Adoption Working Group and promoted by the ICI Society as Virtual Café Series, Focus Group sessions and tutorials on the use of the Data Alignment Workflow Package (DAWp).

Informational Webinars and Workshops

Lessons from Local Government & What's Next with ParcelMap BC Virtual Cafe, May 22nd, 2024

Lessons from Local Government & What’s Next with ParcelMap BC Virtual Cafe - May 22nd, 2024

(Length 1hr:16min): The webinar provided the experiences of three local governments (City of Colwood, City of Nanaimo & City of Kelowna) who have adopted ParcelMap BC and are realising the full benefits of this geospatial 'common canvas' valued for it's accuracy, currency and completeness. The session concluded with an update on the roadmap benefitting adopters of ParcelMap BC, including the recent "back-office" migration, introduction of Universal Parcel Identifiers (UPIs), Survey Hub and the road to "pre-registration" parcels.

Topics included:

  • Brief Introduction:  (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 00.05

  • ParcelMap BC Data Integration with Land Records: Adoption of ParcelMap BC from a folio-centric approach​ (Brian Goble, Manager of GIS Data, City of Colwood) – 02:05

  • City of Nanaimo, ParcelMap BC Adoption Experience: (Mark Willoughby, Supervisor GIS, City of Nanaimo) - 15:42

  • City of Kelowna, ParcelMap BC Adoption Experience: ​(Cheryl Trent, Data Services & Analytics Manager, City of Kelowna) – 31:37

  • ​ What's Next for ParcelMap BC users?​ (Brian Greening & Taylor McInnes, LTSA) – 43:47

  • Close Out, Q & A – 1:00:32

A PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation is available.

Universal Parcel Identifier: Proof of Concept for ParcelMap BC Informational Webinar organized by ParcelMap BC, October 25th, 2023

Universal Parcel Identifier: Proof of Concept for ParcelMap BC Informational Webinar

(Length 1hr:15min): The customer consultation session delivered by ParcelMap BC provided an overview of a proposed Universal Parcel Identifier (UPI), it’s characteristics and it’s benefits to ParcelMap BC users and an opportunity for participants to provide feedback.

Topics included:

  • Why do we need  a UPI? - (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 4:08
  • What is a UPI? - (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 7:30
  • What value will a UPI deliver and for Who? - (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 9:48
  • How will a UPI work?- (Taylor McInnes, LTSA) - 10:41
  • UPI Characteristics - (Taylor McInnes, LTSA) - 22:15
  • When will a UPI become useable?- (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 37:08
  • UPI Proof of Concept- (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 40:08
  • Q&A - (Brian Greening & Taylor McInnes, LTSA) - 42:38

A PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation is available.

Understanding Data Alignment Through BC’s Datums and Transformations Webinar Video organized by ParcelMap BC Adoption Working Group (ICI Society Virtual Cafe Series), February 22nd, 2023

Understanding Data Alignment through BC's Datums and Transformations Virtual Café - February 22nd, 2023

(Length 1hr:2min): The webinar was presented by Esri Canada as a practical guide to the use of datums and transformations in BC.

Topics included:

  • Overview of Datums and Transformations in BC (Dave Horwood, Esri Canada) - 1:27
    • Drawing on a “common canvas”
  • Understanding Datums and Datum Transformations (Dave Horwood, Esri Canada) - 10:15
    • Datums
    • Datum transformations
    • Impact of incorrect datum
  • Grid Shift Files (Janice Martin, Esri Canada) - 21:34
  • Common Issues and Pitfalls (Sarah Sibbett, Esri Canada) - 39:00
  • Questions & Answers (Dave Horwood & Sarah Sibbett, Esri Canada) - 56:42

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Provincial Organizations' Use of ParcelMap BC Informational Webinar Video organized by ParcelMap BC Adoption Working Group (ICI Society Virtual Café Series), December 7th, 2022

Provincial Organizations' Use of ParcelMap BC Virtual Cafe - December 7th, 2022

(Length 1hr:37min): The webinar was presented by Provincial organizations who have adopted ParcelMap BC.

Topics included:

  • Brief Introduction (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 0:15
  • BC Premises ID Program Use of ParcelMap BC (Anders Hopperstead, Ministry of Agriculture & Food) - 3:10
  • GeoBC’s Use of ParcelMap BC (Scott MacPhail, Ministry of Land, Water & Resource Stewardship) - 16:16
  • BC Data Service’s Use of ParcelMap BC (Colin Newall, Ministry of Citizens’ Services) - 34:17
  • Modernizing highway tenure research with the LTSA & MoTI (Peter Spry, MoTI & Taylor McInnes, LTSA) - 48:50
  • Leveraging ParcelMap BC at BC Assessment (Tom O’Brien, BC Assessment) - 1:16:26
  • Lands Branch ParcelMap BC Adoption (Scott Griffith, Ministry of Forests) - 1:27:00
  • FrontCounter BC’s Use of ParcelMap BC (Shana Bow, Ministry of Land, Water & Resource Stewardship) - 1:32:56

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Supporting Municipal Workflows Using ParcelMap BC Informational Webinar Video organised by ParcelMap BC Adoption Working Group (ICI Society Virtual Cafe Series), October 12th, 2022

Supporting Municipal Workflows Using ParcelMap BC Virtual Café - October 12th, 2022

(Length 1hr:03min): The webinar was presented by two organizations supporting local governments in transitioning to ParcelMap BC adoption.

Topics included:

  • Using ParcelMap BC to Support the Capture of Infrastructure for Small Towns – Tjaart Van Den Berg (LandInfo Technologies) – 4:05

    • Use of Open-Source Software
    • Methodology on Data Capture of Municipal Infrastructure
  • Supporting Municipal Governments Transition to ParcelMapBC Adoption - Jason Hart (Harterra Spatial Solutions) – 29:04

    • Utility / Infrastructure Management
    • Workflows and Processes Relating to Geospatial Infrastructure
    • Applications to Local Governments

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Interests Mapping in ParcelMap BC Informational Webinar Video organised by ParcelMap BC Adoption Working Group (ICI Society Virtual Cafe Series), April 6th, 2022

Interests Mapping in ParcelMap BC April 6th, 2022

(Length 1hr:3min): The webinar was structured as an overview of how interests are mapped in general in the ParcelMap BC fabric.

Topics included:

  • Introductions & Background (Brian Greening, LTSA ) - 1:07
  • Interest Parcels in ParcelMap BC (Bryan Sawers and Sean Lyons, LTSA)

    • Historic vs. Current Completeness - 5:41
    • Types of interest parcels and their Representations - 14:34
    • SRW Back-capture Projects - 31:00
    • City of Kamloops Historical Interests Pilot Project - 43:32

      • Local Government Experience – Ryan Strank (City of Kamloops) - 46:25

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Unpacking Temporal Changes in ParcelMap BC Informational Webinar Video – March 2nd, 2022

Unpacking Temporal Changes in ParcelMap BC - March 2nd, 2022

(Length 58 min): The session provided a practical guide on the use of the Real-World Changes and Fabric Spatial Improvements ParcelMap BC products for identifying temporal change in the ParcelMap BC fabric.

Topics included:

  • Introductions & Background (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 00:52
  • Using ParcelMap BC Change Products (Taylor McInnes and Irshad Jamal, LTSA)

    • Summary of ParcelMap BC Data Products & Uses - 7:34
    • Real-World Changes - 13:16
    • Visualizing Fabric History in the ParcelMap BC Search Service - 16:10
    • Spatial Improvements in ParcelMap BC - 27:52
    • Change Vectors - 29:42
    • Data Alignment Workflow Package (DAWp) - 40:50
    • Spatial Improvement App (SIA) & Map Layers - 46:42
    • Cadastral Ties input for spatial improvement of ParcelMap BC - 52:11

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

 Roads Mapping in ParcelMap BC Informational Webinar Video – February 3rd, 2022

Roads Mapping in ParcelMap BC - February 3rd, 2022

(Length 58min): The webinar was structured as an overview of how roads are mapped in general in the ParcelMap BC fabric.

The session was conducted by Brian Greening (Director, ParcelMap BC Products, LTSA), Bryan Sawers (Manager, ParcelMap BC Operations, LTSA) and Taylor McInnes (Senior Fabric Technician, ParcelMap BC Operations, LTSA). Topics included:

  • Introductions & Background (Brian Greening, LTSA) - 00:54
  • Roads in ParcelMap BC (Bryan Sawers & Taylor McInnes, LTSA)

    • Historic vs. Current Completeness - 10:50
    • Types of Roads and their Representation in ParcelMap BC - 11:00
    • Titled Roads Project - 30:31
    • MoTI Historic Highways Back-capture Project - 34:48

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Making the Most of Survey Parcel Data: Best Practices Workshop Video – November 17th, 2021

Survey Parcel Data: Best Practices Workshop Video – November 17th, 2021


(Length 2hr:20 min): The purpose of the workshop was to increase awareness and literacy around the benefits and opportunities associated with various use cases for ParcelMap BC and other complementary data sets and "leading practices" among survey / parcel data consumers.

Topics included:

  • Theme 1: Parcel Data Fundamentals - 8:20

    • Topic A: The Basics (Parcel Data Basics) – LTSA - 9:35
    • Topic B: ParcelMap BC Overview & Advantages - LTSA - 27:34
    • Case Study: Outcomes & Benefits of ParcelMap BC Adoption at BC Assessment – BC Assessment - 42:55
  • Theme 2: Making Use of Parcel Data – Day to Day Use Cases - 57:30

    • Topic A: Parcel Data Access / Usage Patterns – Esri Canada - 58:26
    • Topic B: Issues Associated with Effective / Appropriate Use – Polaris Land Surveying Inc. - 1:13:23
    • Case Study: Real World Examples & Lessons Learned – Polaris Land Surveying Inc. - 1:28:10
  • Theme 3: Drawing on the Same Canvas – Aligned Data Sources & Use Cases - 1:36:58

    • Topic A: Emerging Trends & Leading Practices – Harterra Spatial Solutions - 1:37:44
    • Topic B: Challenges & Opportunities – Esri Canada - 1:48:22
    • Case Study: Building a Common Canvas - Harterra Spatial Solutions - 2:06:38
  • Open Moderator-led Discussion & Take-aways - 2:15:11

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Planning your Transition to ParcelMap BC: Virtual Cafe Video – October 20th, 2021

PMBC Transition Planning Virtual Cafe Workshop October 20th, 2021


(Length 2hr:02 min): This workshop provided a Transition Planning framework for organizations planning to transition to ParcelMap BC Adoption including a detailed overview of the resources and tools available to support the transition process.

Topics included:

  • Transition Planning – Why is it important? - 2:57
  • Transition Work Breakdown Structure Overview - 10:11
  • Phase 1 – Planning (Situation Assessment, Approvals/Sponsorship and Detailed Project Planning) - 20:39
  • Phase 2 – Execution (Data Realignment, Parcel Fabric Update, Land Records Integrations, Asset Management and Work Order Integrations) - 1:07:35
  • Other Transition Planning Considerations - 1:24:15
  • Adoption Resources Summary - 1:31:21

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Deep Dive into the ParcelMap BC Spatial Improvement Resources: June 24th, 2021

ICI Society Virtual Café: ParcelMap BC Spatial Alignment Workshop - June 24th, 2021

(Length 1hr:57min): The theme of the workshop was the presentation by Esri Canada on the usage of the Data Alignment Workflow Package (DAWp) with an emphasis on the Situation Assessment, Initial Alignment and Ongoing Alignment steps. Other topics included:

  • Spatial Alignment Resources: Why & what are they? - 4:28
  • Adoption Transition Steps: Transition Project Management Guide - 10:40
  • Transition Project Management Guide -WBS - 12:00
  • Understanding ParcelMapBC Spatial Improvements - Why, Where and When is ParcelMapBC spatially improved? - 15:21
  • Spatial Improvement Assessment App & Map Layers - 20:50
  • Cadastral Ties Submission for Spatial Improvements - 25:28
  • Context: Where do the Alignment Tools “Fit” during Transition? - 28:00
  • Case Study –“Anytown” - Use Cases for the DAWp as part of the ParcelMapBC Transition Workflow - 32:00
  • User Experience with DAWp – Township of Langley - 1:35:00
  • Accessing ParcelMapBC Spatial Alignment Resources - 1:41:08

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Land Records Integration with ParcelMap BC Virtual Workshop Video - May 19th, 2021

ParcelMap BC Land Records Integration Workshop May 19th, 2021


(Length 1hr:57min): The workshop covered the various approaches used by ParcelMap BC users to connect to their land records information systems. Topics included:

  • BC Assessment Fabric Data Model vs ParcelMap BC: Which should I use and when? - BC Assessment - 10:13
  • Integrating ParcelMap BC with Tempest with scripts and databases - District of Sooke - 36:34
  • Integrating ParcelMap BC with Land Records through Esri Web Apps - Harterra Spatial Solutions - 58:12
  • Integrating ParcelMap BC with iCity/Vadim - City of Rossland - 1:23"02
  • Overview of the Land Records Resources and the ICI Society’s Collaboration Portal - ICI Society - 1:33:04
  • Land Records Integration & Transition Planning - LTSA/Spatial Vision Group - 1:35:58

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

ParcelMap BC Deep Dive: February 24th, 2021

ParcelMap BC Deep Dive Workshop (ICI Society Virtual Cafe)

(Length 2hr:29 min): This workshop consisted of an overview of the ParcelMap BC fabric maintenance process beginning with the intake of the survey plan dataset submissions to the maintenance of the parcel data including the spatial improvement process. The session also covered the types of parcels being mapped in ParcelMap BC. Topics included:

  • ParcelMap BC Community Overview - 5:24
  • Maintaining Currency & Quality of ParcelMap BC - 16:48
  • Understanding ParcelMap BC Spatial Improvements - 1:06:58
  • Finding Information You Need in ParcelMap BC - 1:44:25
  • Getting help with ParcelMap BC - 2:22:53

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Focus Group Sessions

Utilities Sector Focus Group Workshop Video - December 15th, 2021

Utilities Sector Focus Group Workshop Video - December 15th, 2021

(Length 1hr:58 min): This workshop was structured as a discovery exercise into the various areas where property and parcel information are used across the Utilities sector in British Columbia. The purpose of the workshop was to engage participants to understand primary property workflow facts in their organization, explore existing key pain points, gather insight where ParcelMap BC and other property information services can help rights of way & large property interest holders – and probe for areas where new or improved services would be of benefit. Contributors to the workshop content included Spatial Vision Group, Harterra Spatial Solutions, ICI Society and the LTSA.

Topics included:

  • Prior Discovery Work in Utilities Sector – 2019 360 Lab Sessions – Steve Mark, ICI Society - 9:18
  • Introduction to ParcelMap BC & Utility Focused Considerations - Brian Greening, LTSA - 16:11
  • Discovery Exercise 1: Business Areas & Users - Bill Johnstone, LTSA/Spatial Vision Group - 38:41
  • Departments (Who), Workflows (What) and Systems & Tools (How) – Jason Hart, Harterra Spatial Solutions - 45:42
  • Discovery Exercise 2: Data - Bill Johnstone, LTSA/Spatial Vision Group 1:15:40
  • Spatial, Attributes and Integrations - Jason Hart, Harterra Spatial Solutions - 1:17:43
  • Organizational & Program Dependencies - John Samulski, LTSA/Spatial Vision Group - 1:31:00
    • Key drivers for adopting ParcelMap BC
    • Primary challenges in transitioning to ParcelMap BC
    • Dependencies with internal Business Areas
    • Dependencies with partner / external organisations

A PDF version of the PowerPoint Presentation is available.

Guided Tutorial for Implementing the Data Alignment Workflow Package (DAWp)

The following set of videos demonstrate the use of the Data Alignment Workflow Package (DAWp).

Parcelmap BC DAWp Video Tutorial - Pre Alignment

(Length 5:52): This tutorial focuses specifically on the pre-alignment workflow used to evaluate and (if necessary) transform your data sets to approximately align with ParcelMap BC prior to performing the detailed initial alignment workflow. Pre-alignment is only necessary if your data is significantly offset from ParcelMap BC.

Parcelmap BC DAWp Video Tutorial - Pre Alignment

ParcelMap BC DAWp Video Tutorial - Initial Alignment

(Length 20:55): This tutorial focuses specifically on the initial alignment workflow using the ‘rubber sheet’ method. Initial alignment is used in a one-time process to achieve alignment between your data sets and ParcelMap BC.

ParcelMap BC DAWp Video Tutorial - Initial Alignment

ParcelMap BC DAWp Video Tutorial - Ongoing Alignment

(Length 3:45): This tutorial focuses specifically on the ongoing alignment workflow using the change vectors method. Once initial alignment has been achieved, ongoing alignment is used to maintain alignment between your data and regular ParcelMap BC updates.

ParcelMap BC DAWp Video Tutorial - Ongoing Alignment

ParcelMap BC DAWp Video Tutorial – Pre-Analysis

(Length 5 mins): This tutorial focuses specifically on the situation assessment by assessing the current spatial alignment with the following considerations:

  • Determine which data to use to align to ParcelMap BC (examples parcels or zoning)
  • Ensure spatial reference (both datum and projection) of dataset to be aligned matches ParcelMap BC
  • Analyse current dataset misalignment to ParcelMap BC (allows selection of an appropriate tolerance to use)
  • Use the “Measure” tool to measure various portions of the datasets to determine the optimum tolerance to use
  • Pre-Alignment workflow required if dataset greater than 100m compared to ParcelMap BC
  • Remove features not common to both datasets to improve alignment results
  • Review problematic data – such as natural boundaries where there is poor alignment
ParcelMap BC DAWp Video Tutorial - Pre-Analysis

ParcelMap BC DAWp Video Tutorial – Initial Alignment (Rubbersheet Method)

(Length 12 mins): This tutorial focuses on the rubbersheet workflow of initial alignment.

  • 4 main steps:

    • Initial pre-processing
    • Generating rubber sheet links
    • Inspecting links and modifying if required
    • Applying the links
  • Workflow uses series of tools in the Data Alignment Workflow toolbox
  • Rubbersheet links can be applied to other datasets than need alignment
  • Alignment metrics – before and after snapshot of alignment (Max shift, Avg shift, Shift RMS, Overall RMS)
ParcelMap BC DAWp Video Tutorial – Initial Alignment (Rubbersheet Method)