To order one or more Scan on Demand from the Land Title Office:
From any page of the LTSA's Electronic Services, rollover Other Requests and click Order Scan on Demand from Land Title Office
Enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters in the File Reference field to uniquely identify your transaction. See Using a File Reference.

The following contact information is auto filled using your account information. You may update the contact information if required:
- Contact Name (mandatory)
- Contact Phone Number (mandatory)
- Contact Email (optional)
It is important that you provide the correct and complete contact information so that the LTSA can contact you for further clarification on your submitted requests, if necessary. The phone number field will accept a maximum of 13 characters.
Add records to be scanned
Orders will not be fulfilled where the physical size or condition or the fine details of the source document cannot be accommodated by LTSA scanners. Land title documents, plans that are pending registration and electronic plans are not available for Scan on Demand. In addition, some records ordered via Scan on Demand, such as colour survey plans, can create large-size files that may be blocked by some email systems.
Enter the following information for a record:
- Send To (mandatory): Select the location where the record is located from the drop-down menu.
- Type (mandatory): Select the appropriate record type from the drop-down menu.
- Description (mandatory): Enter the description of the record to be scanned. The description entered should be as precise as possible.
- For example, you should enter the land title plan or document number as you likely have this information available
- Parcel ID (optional): This optional field is important to complete for land title records. If entered, the Parcel ID must have a valid format.
Entering a Description and valid Parcel ID will increase the likelihood that the request can be fulfilled.

- Once the information is entered, click Save . This will add the record to the Scans to Order list on the right. If the Parcel ID is not in a valid format or if you have not provided your contact information, you will receive an error message at the top of the page. Fix the error and click Save again.
- Add additional records to be scanned as needed following the two steps above
- You can modify a record that you have previously added to the Scans to Order list. To do this:
- Click the record in Scans to Order list that you want to modify. The record fields on the left will be set with the values of the selected record.
- Modify the record information
- Click Save

Click Confirm Order. The Order Scan on Demand confirmation page appears displaying the summary of the Scan on Demand requests to be ordered, including the fees that will be charged.

You will only be charged for Scan On Demand from Land Title Office orders that are fulfilled. You will not be charged for a cancelled order.
Click Order to submit your Scan On Demand requests. If successful, the Scan On Demand page appears with a confirmation message at the top of the page stating that your order has been successfully submitted along with the Batch Reference Number for the submitted order.