To edit your account information:
Click My Account on the navigation bar at the top of any page of myLTSA Explorer, which will take you to the My Account page
Click Update My Account Information
The Edit Account page is displayed. It contains the current information recorded for your myLTSA Explorer account. You can update all of the fields except your username.
You can also update the email address used by your account; however it must be unique. If it is used by another myLTSA Explorer account, an error message will be displayed and you will need to pick a different email address.

Click Save to save your changes. If successfully changed, a message will be displayed on the Edit Account page. To discard your changes, click Back to return to the My Account page.

When clicking on the Undo Changes button, all the fields are reset to their original values (i.e., the values as of the last Save action or account creation if the account was never updated).