The permissions provided to each myLTSA Enterprise user changes what that user can do and access.
There are three permissions that can be assigned and have the following main tasks:
Search and Filing User: Can search land records, and, if applicable, electronically file applications
User Administrator: Can add other users, update their information and/or permissions, update organization details, be assigned as the primary contact for your customer account and view the deposit account list page
Financial Administrator: Can add and manage deposit accounts, generate account statements, authorize Search and Filing Users to view their deposit account's available balance and view user list page
For a detailed matrix about myLTSA Enterprise permissions, see User Permissions and Roles.
Users can be assigned one or more permission. Each permission alters the user's access to your myLTSA Enterprise customer account.
Different information corresponding to the users's permissions is displayed on the topmost navigation bar at the top of each page in myLTSA - providing, as appropriate, access to Account Management, the myLTSA Inbox, Preferences and the LTSA's Electronic Services.
Search and Filing User Only
The topmost navigation bar is accessible from any page in myLTSA Enterprise with the following links and information:

Home links to the welcome page of the LTSA's Electronic Services (see below). Clicking on the myLTSA Logo performs the same action as Home or returns to the LTSA's Electronic Services.

- My Preferences links to pages to change your security questions, password or forwarding preferences
- Inbox links to the myLTSA Inbox
- Refer to your username and your myLTSA Enterprise Customer number
- Logout logs you out of myLTSA Enterprise
Authorized Search and Filing Users can also view the available balance of their deposit account. This permission can only be assigned by a myLTSA User Administrator.
- By clicking the Request Funds Transfer link, an authorized Search and Filing User can send a request to the Financial Administrators who manage their deposit account to transfer the requested amount. This request initiates an email to the Financial Administrators who manage the deposit account. The funds can be approved or denied by Financial Administrators. No funds are transferred until all required approvals are submitted.
Search and Filing User who is also a Financial Administrator and/or User Administrator
The topmost navigation bar is accessible from any page in myLTSA Enterprise with the following links and information:

- Home links to the welcome page of the LTSA's Electronic Services (see below). Clicking on the myLTSA Logo performs the same action as Home or returns to the LTSA's Electronic Services.

- Account Management links to the Account Management landing page
- My Preferences links to pages to change your security questions, password or forwarding preferences
- Inbox links to the myLTSA Inbox
- Refer to your username and your myLTSA Enterprise Customer number
- Logout logs you out of myLTSA Enterprise
Authorized Search and Filing Users can also view the available balance of their deposit account. This permission can only be assigned by a myLTSA User Administrator.
- By clicking the Request Funds Transfer link, an authorized Search and Filing User can send a request to the Financial Administrators who manage their deposit account to transfer the requested amount. This request initiates an email to the Financial Administrators who manage the deposit account. The funds can be approved or denied by Financial Administrators. No funds are transferred until all required approvals are submitted.
Financial Administrator and/or User Administrator Only
The topmost navigation bar is accessible from any page in myLTSA Enterprise with the following links and information:

- Home links to the Account Management Overview page. Clicking on the myLTSA Logo performs the same action as Home or returns to the Account Management Overview page.

- My Preferences links to pages to change your security questions, password or forwarding preferences
- Refer to your username and your myLTSA Enterprise Customer number
- Logout logs you out of myLTSA Enterprise
myLTSA Administrators do not have a myLTSA Inbox. All notifications are delivered via email.