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Create Survey Plan - Land Title Act

Last modified on December 11, 2024

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Create Survey Plan - Land Title Act

  1. Click on + Create Survey Plan.
  2. Select a Survey Site.
  3. [Optional] Enter notes about the plan. This note will be visible and searchable on the dashboard. Recommend to use the Plan Heading.
  4. Enter a file reference (for your own records).
  5. Associate the plan with a BCLS in the account.
  6. Select Plan Statute.
  7. Select Plan Type.
  8. Enter the pre-assigned plan number.
  9. [Optional] Enter the commission number of the original plan number assignment.
  10. Click Save to move on to the next screen.

Assemble Plan - Land Title Act

Complete all required entries. 


Validate the Dataset

Review any Warnings and Errors. Warnings can be overridden if appropriate. Errors must be corrected before completing the dataset.


Map Check

Click Perform Check.


After reviewing the placement of your CAD data with respect to the ParcelMap BC fabric click Complete Map Check.

Plan Dataset Confirmation

Dataset sections will become read-only upon confirmation.


Prepare Application Information - Land Title Act

  1. A minimum of one (1) affected parcel must be entered, usually by PID. The legal description field will pre-populate. For certain special circumstances, the Don't have PIDS? tab may be used
  2. Click the + Add Owner button to add owners.

On certain plan types the Owner / Charge Owner signature block is automatically added with the names pre-populated.



Owner info can be manually added or pasted from the Title search

Manually adding Owner Info



Pasting from the Title search



Signature Blocks

  1. Click + Add from Plan Statements to initiate the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to "read" the plan and suggest signature blocks likely to be required on the Application to Deposit Plan (DSPL). The function is made available to ensure required approvals are not left off the DSPL. However, the option to select which signature blocks to add is still available.
  2. Select the appropriate signature blocks here.

Self-submitted DSPL applications must be completed by the surveyor. DSPL applications submitted by legal professionals can be provided with partial entries.


Plan Statement Selection


Signature Block Dropdowns

  1. Owner / Charge Owner Signature Block
  2. Approving Officer Signature Block
  3. Surveyor General Signature Block

All selections from the current Application to Deposit Plan (DSPL) PDF form have been included to facilitate adding signature blocks. On some plan types, an approval statement has been auto-generated as a requirement for the particular plan type. 


Additional Information

  1. [Optional] Any relevant information regarding the plan application can be added.
  2. [Optional] Applicable documents (PDF format) can be included as attachment.

Certify Plan

Once all required fields have been completed, the form is ready for certification.


Select the certification statement.

Click Validate ECR.

The Validate ECR function assist to cross reference the data entered in SurveyHub against the data entered on the ABCLS checklist registry. The warnings that appear will not prevent a submission to proceed but may highlight a data entry error on either SurveyHub or the ABCLS checklist.

Certify the survey plan.


E-sign the Survey Plan.

Once completed the option to download the Survey Plan Certification (SPC) PDF is made available.


Compound Versioning

A compounded versioning statement is displayed. Each time a plan certification (SPC) is e-signed it will be assigned a version number (1,2, etc.), and each time a dataset is confirmed it will be assigned its own version number (1,2, etc.). Combined together, a complete version number is generated (1-1, 2-3, etc.). Subsequent sets may increment one or both numbers and will be contained on a new Variation (A, B, etc.).


Sign Application to Deposit

This step can be omitted if the plan is to be handed off to a legal professional for submission.

E-signing the Application to Deposit does not generate a new version number.

If the Application to Deposit needs to be changed after e-signing, use the Edit button  when Submission is "Turned Off."


On the page select to manually enter the Applicant Information or load a pre-configured template.


Selecting to manually enter the Applicant Information.


Enter the Applicant Information in the succeeding fields


Selecting to load a pre-configured template.


The Load Autofill Template dialog box appears.


Select the template (highlighted), then click Load Autofill Template.


The template data will load the Applicant Information.

Prepare Submission - Land Title Act

Clicking Turn On Submission initiates the acceptance on Electronic Filing of that particular version's plan application and also submits the dataset.

If required, the dataset exemption process can be found here.

  1. Click Turn On Submission.
  2. Download the PDF files of Survey Plan Certification and Application to Deposit, prior to submitting through electronic filing.

For reference view here the full submission process on electronic filing.
