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What is an estimated examination date?

Last modified on May 05, 2016

Your package will be assigned an estimated examination date after it is submitted electronically to the Land Title Office and until it is assigned for examination. If your package has an estimated examination date, it will have the status Pending and the estimated date will appear in brackets after the status. Once assigned for examination, the estimated examination date no longer appears in the Pending status and the status changes to Pending (Assigned).

Package - Pending (estimated examination date) Status

Your package status appears on the View Package page of your package in the information box at the top of the page. You can find the View Package page by searching for and locating the package from the Submission Dashboard or View All Packages pages accessed under Submissions in the main navigation of the LTSA's Electronic Services.

Once your package has the status Pending (Assigned), the package proceeds to a final status of registered, cancelled or withdrawn. Alternatively, the package may require some action by you. The package will only be provided an estimated examination prior to its assignment for examination.

See Land Title Package Statuses for more information.

You should be mindful that the estimated examination date for a package is an approximation and should be used as a guide only. It does not guarantee examination timing nor does it indicate the time of registration.