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Verify Dataset Validation Results

Last modified on July 27, 2020

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Managing Survey Plan Dataset Submissions

ParcelMap BC Training for Land Surveyors and their Staff

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Verifying your Dataset Validation Results is required after validating your dataset. 

This page shows a list of validation checks being run which have already completed for the Survey Plan Dataset.

You are required to verify the following checks:

  • Plan Duplicate Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset plan number and control number are unique and not duplicated
  • Plan Number Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset plan number entered by the user correlates to the commission number entered by the user
  • Control Number Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset control number entered by the user matches the control number of the signed PDF plan which is to be registered

  • Structure Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset CAD file meets CAD layer specifications
  • Parcel Topology Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset CAD file has valid, closed polygons
  • Survey Limits Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset CAD file Survey Limits feature covers the entire surveyed area 
  • Distance Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset CAD file has valid distance annotations
  • Bearing Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset CAD file has valid bearing annotations
  • Control Point Check: Checks if the survey plan dataset CSV file meets specifications
  • Average Combined Factor Check: Checks if the Average Combined Factor entered by the user is reasonable for the survey location

If there are any warnings, you are required to fix or override them as follows:

Correct any erroneous checks by clicking "Complete with warning(s). Please click to verify."

To override any erroneous checks click "Override Warning(s)"

If an error cannot be overridden, it can only be corrected by editing the survey plan dataset attributes, CAD file or CSV file and re-validating. See Tips and Tricks and Tips to Resolve Survey Plan Dataset Validation Errors to solve common validation warnings.

Your Dataset Validation Results should be complete and ready for final submssion.