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Survey plan

A land surveyor or surveyor delegate can create, update and manage unified survey plans (i.e., plan dataset and plan image) in SurveyHub to prepare for submission.

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Create Survey Plan - Land Title Act

Instructions on how to create a survey plan in the SurveyHub dashboard.

Block Outline Surveys

Instructions on how to complete a Block Outline plan in the SurveyHub dashboard.

Strata Plans

Instructions on how to complete a Strata plan in the SurveyHub dashboard.

Land Act and other Crown Land Registry Submission Plans

Instructions on how to complete a Land Act and other Crown Land Registry Submission (CLRS) plans in the SurveyHub dashboard.

Create Survey Plan - Well Site

Instructions on how to create a Survey Plan Energy Resource Activities - Well Site in the SurveyHub dashboard.

Plan Summary and Variation

Instructions on how to use Plan Summary page to create and manage plan Variations.