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Reset Your Password

Last modified on July 13, 2020

There are two options to change your password:

While logged in:

On the navigation bar, click My Preferences

Click Change My Password

Enter your current password and then your new password. Re-enter your new password to confirm

Your new password must contain the following:

  • 8 characters
  • Uppercase letter
  • Lowercase letter
  • Symbol 
  • Number

Use the Password strength meter to see if your password meets the requirements. Use the Password match indicator to see if you typed identical passwords


Click Save to complete. To discard your changes and return to the previous page, click Cancel

Your password must be different from any of your previous 5 passwords.

Forgot password:

Click the Forgot Password? link on the myLTSA login page


Enter your myLTSA username and click Continue

Reset Your Password 01

You will receive an email in a few minutes


Click the link in the email provided to you. You will then be brought to a page with your security question displayed. Enter the answer to your security question . You will need to enter it exactly as you created it. Click Continue

Reset Your Password 03

Users are required to correctly answer a security question they have set prior to setting a new password. If you are still experiencing difficulties with your login, please contact myLTSA Technical Support. You will be required to provide valid contact information before they are able to reset your password.

You will then be asked to set a permanent password.  

Your new password must contain the following:

  • 8 characters
  • Uppercase letter
  • Lowercase letter
  • Symbol 
  • Number

Your password must be different from any of your previous 5 passwords.

As a security measure your Account will lock automaticly after 10 failed log in attempts. Contact myLTSA Technical Support to unlock your locked Account.

Click Change Password and Login

Use the Password strength meter to see if your password meets the requirements. Use the Password match indicator to see if you typed identical passwords


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