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Plan Prefix Codes

Last modified on August 19, 2016

Most plans filed with the LTSA display a three-letter plan prefix code (such as BCP or VAS) in the legal description.

If your plan number already has a three-letter prefix, simply enter the plan number with its prefix. For example, you could enter BCP1234, LMS123, or EPP123.

If your plan number does not have a three-letter prefix, you will have to add one. Choose the appropriate prefix from the table below, add it to your plan number (without spaces), and enter it. All electronic plans in all land title districts begin with the prefix EPP for land title plans and EPS for strata plans. Crown grants begin with the prefix EPC.

Strata and Standard Plan Prefixes

Land Title District Strata Plan Prefix Standard Plan Prefix
Kamloops KAS KAP
Nelson NES NEP
New Westminster NWS NWP
Prince George PGS PGP
Prince Rupert PRS PRP
Vancouver VAS VAP
Victoria VIS VIP


  • In the Kamloops Land Title District, you would enter plan number 12345 as KAP12345
  • In the Vancouver Land Title District, you would enter plan number 12345 as VAP12345
  • In the Vancouver Land Title District, you would enter strata plan number VR123 as VAS123
  • In the Victoria Land Title District, you would enter plan number 555RW as VIP555RW

The prefix rules above should work in most cases.

You can use Plan Search by Plan Number to find plans that contain the numeric portion of the specified plan number together with associated parcels. You do not need to enter a prefix or suffix for the plan number to use this search. You are also able to preview plans prior to purchase.

Additional Prefix Information

The following tables are provided as a detailed reference.

The LMS strata plan series and the LMP standard plan series began on April 2, 1991 for both Vancouver and New Westminster. LM stands for Lower Mainland. The BCS strata plan series and the BCP standard plan series began on July 2, 2002 for Vancouver, New Westminster, Prince George, and Prince Rupert land title districts. The electronically filed EPS strata plans series and EPP standard plan series began in May 2007 for the entire province.

Strata Plan Prefixes

Land Title District Before April 2, 1991 After April 2, 1991 After July 2, 2002
Kamloops KAS KAS KAS




New Westminster NWS LMS BCS
Prince George PGS PGS BCS
Prince Rupert PRS PRS BCS
Vancouver VAS LMS BCS
Victoria VIS VIS VIS

Standard Plan Prefixes

Land Title District Before April 2, 1991 After April 2, 1991 After July 2, 2002
Kamloops KAP KAP KAP
New Westminster NWP LMP BCP
Prince George PGP PGP BCP
Prince Rupert PRP PRP BCP
Vancouver VAP LMP BCP
Victoria VIP VIP VIP