Monitor a Parcel
Parcel Activity Notifier subscriptions notify professionals with a myLTSA Enterprise account when a legal notation, register correction or pending activity affects a parcel of land that is being monitored.
Order New Subscriptions
All Parcel Activity Notifier subscriptions are for a fixed period of 180 days.
Alerts about Parcel Activity
Alerts will be delivered to your myLTSA Inbox and will provide the nature of the transaction or other activity, document or plan number, received date/time and status.
Search for Subscriptions
There are a number of filters to help you find your subscription or a subscription ordered by someone who shares your customer account.
Renew Subscriptions
Parcel Activity Notifier subscriptions are available to be renewed 30 days before they expire.
Cancel Subscriptions
Cancelling a Parcel Activity Notifier subscription will stop all notifications about future parcel activity.