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Land Surveyor Services

Commissioned BC Land Surveyors are authorized to access and use these services.


SurveyHub is an enterprise-level application that provides an online workspace for land surveyors to create, assemble and manage unified survey plans.

ParcelMap BC Search for Land Surveyors

ParcelMap BC Search for Land Surveyors allows land surveyors and their delegated employees to view, search and download portions of the ParcelMap BC parcel fabric.

Survey Plan Dataset Submissions

The submission of survey plan datasets by BC land surveyors is necessary in order to support the ongoing maintenance of ParcelMap BC.

Register as a BC Land Surveyor

The LTSA requires that all land surveyors establish their surveyor status in their myLTSA Enterprise account.

Pre-Assigned Plan Numbers

In order to prepare survey plans for submission, BC land surveyors must use pre-assigned plan numbers issued by the LTSA.

Set Employee Delegate Access

Employees of land surveying firms working on behalf of a land surveyor may be granted delegate access to ParcelMap BC Search for Land Surveyors and Survey Plan Dataset Submission.

Request a Surveyor General Review

Land surveyors may submit requests for guidance through the Surveyor General's Review.